Chapter 2

Three days after leaving the ship, Atreus still felt the sea rolling beneath his feet. He

and Yago were standing outside the Grand Audience Hall of the Paradise Mahal on a

white marble floor as firm as the bedrock of the world, swaying gently as they awaited

an audience with the queen of Eden-vale. In the distance behind the palace loomed

the jagged white wall of the great Yehimal Mountains, where—somewhere—the

Sisters of Serenity stood watch over the valley of Langdarma.

By the way the door guards eyed them, Atreus knew that his and Yago's constant rocking made them appear drunk or worse, but they could not help themselves. They had passed most of the four-month journey from Duhlnarim to the Utter Eastaboard a square-rigged cog Squall Duchess, which rode the waves like a piece offlotsam. It would be some time before their legs grew accustomed to solidground again. Atreus only hoped their unsteady stances would not prevent QueenRosalind from providing the help they needed.

A small courtier in billowing silks emerged from the scalloped portal of the audience hall. With black hair, a thin build. and golden skin, he was obviously oneof the Mar natives who had inhabited this hot and sultry land when rosalind's Faerunian ancestors arrived to claim it. He dismissed Yago's imposing bulk with adisdainful smirk, then turned to Atreus, his lip curling as he took in the polished boots, linen trousers, and silk tunic beneath a brocaded cape. When his gaze reachedAtreus’s disfigured face, he gasped and stepped back, speaking sharply to the guardsin Marari—a strange, melodious tongue of short syllables and throaty clicks.

The guards answered in the same language, pointing across the courtyard to the gates where the hired elephant that had carried Atreus inland stood waiting withits driver. As Squall Duchess's captain had promised, the mere fact that Atreus had an ogre bodyguard and traveled in such luxury marked him as a man of consequence.

"1 have a letter of introduction from my own liege, King Korox of Erlkazar," Atreus

said. From inside his cloak he withdrew a folded parchment that Heartwarder

Julienne had procured from the king's sister, Princess Dijara. Atreus bowed,

displaying the unbroken wax on its royal seal. "I am Atreus Eleint of Rivenshield, in

Barony Ahlarkhem of Erlkazar."

Though the Mar showed no sign of understanding Atreus, he accepted the

letter and examined the seal, narrowing his eyes at the royal crown pressed into the

golden wax. He glanced at the golden brocades in Atreus's cape,

then bowed.

"I am Jyotish, chamberlain to Queen Rosalind," said the Mar, now speaking an

archaic form of Realmspeak known as Thorass. The language was so outdated

and heavily accented that Atreus had to guess some words from the context of

others. "I will arrange an audience with Her Radiance."

Jyotish returned the letter and stepped aside, waving Atreus toward a huge pair

of mahogany doors. As they started up the stairs, the sentries quickly crossed

their glaives in front of Yago. The ogre scowled, then jerked the weapons from the

guards' hands and tossed them into the courtyard. The guards cried out and

reached for the swords, and Jyotish whirled on Atreus. "What is the meaning of


"I go where Atreus goes," Yago said, paying no attention to the sword tips now

pointed in his direction. "I'm his bodyguard." "Bodyguards are not permitted in the

Grand Audience Chamber." Jyotish spoke directly to Atreus, as though Demanding that he bringhis pet under control. "No man may take his own guards into the queen's presence."Atreus nodded. "Of course. I should have thought of that myself." He turned to Yagoand said, "Why don't you wait here?"

A growl of displeasure rumbled deep in Yago's throat, but he was too good asoldier to argue the matter in front of others. He stepped back into the courtyard. "Givea yell if you need me."

"I'm sure I'll be fine," said Atreus. "There's no reason to expect trouble." "That's when it's most dangerous." Yago snarled down at Jyotish, displaying hisorange fangs, then spread his feet and folded his arms. "I'll be listening."

Jyotish scowled at the ogre's not-so-subtle warning, then turned to lead the way into

the palace. As he opened the mahogany doors he quietly asked, "Is your

bodyguard always so unruly?" "Unruly?" Atreus raised his brow, genuinely surprised.

That's not unruly. Not for an ogre." He stepped through the doorway into a dark,


pillared room full of droning voices and sweet-smelling smoke. The lower walls

were decorated with floral patterns of gold filigree on deep red lacquer. The upper

parts were covered with brilliant frescoes depicting charging war elephants and

strange, golem like warriors. Tiny, shaven-headed Mar priests sat in apses along

the walls, rocking back and forth and chanting in gravelly voices while toothless old

women squatted on the floor chattering incessantly and spinning yarn with their

fingers. Children ran about laughing and chasing each other, paying so little attention to where they were going that one of them crashed into Atreus at a dead


The little girl landed at Atreus's feet still yelling and giggling, then suddenly fell silentwhen she noticed how one set of the stranger's toes turned inward. As her eyes ranup his bowed legs to his thick midsection, she scowled and began to scoot backwardacross the floor. Her gaze continued to rise toward his gruesome visage, and Atreusknew what was about to happen. He could only stand and watch as the girl's mouth fell open.

"Ysdar!" she bawled, pointing at him. "Ysdaaaaar!"

The room fell instantly silent and all eyes turned in Atreus's direction. Knowinghe would only make the situation worse by reaching out to comfort the child, Atreusspread his hands at his side and tried a smile.

The girl's wail became a shriek. She leaped to her feet and disappeared

screaming into the chamber's dark recesses. Jyotish stared at Atreus in horror,

then stepped aside and began to click and prattle in the strange language of his

people. The other Mar backed away, clapping their hands and jabbering

admonitions Atreus did not understand, save for the occasional reference to

"Ysdar." He could only shake his head and smile.

After a moment, a handsome young Mar with satyr like ears and a cultured bearing

stepped out of the crowd. Attired in cotton trousers and a silk tunic, he was dressed

more in the manner of Faerun than that of the Utter East. He started chattering at his

fellows and waving them back. When the tumult finally began to subside, he turned

to Atreus and said, "Honored Guest, it is better if you keep your teeth hidden." This

Mar's Realmspeak was modern, tinged with a Sembian accent, and—unlike

Jyotish's—easy to understand. "The Mar are a backward and superstitious people

who already think you one of Ysdar's fiends. There is no need to encourage them in

this silliness." "Encourage them?"

"By implying you want to eat them." The Mar flashed a pearly grin and tapped his

bright teeth. "This means you are hungry."

Atreus brought his lips together. "Please apologize for me. Tell them I am an ignorant

foreigner who is not hungry at all."

The Mar spoke first to Jyotish, then to his jabbering fellows. Jyotish nodded, and

the crowd stopped hissing and clapping, though they continued to warily eye

the stranger's hideous face.

Atreus's savior bowed to him. "Honored sir, allow me to introduce myself. I am Rishi

Saubhari, a bahrana only recently come to Edenvale myself."

A bahrana was a member of the Mar upper class. Atreus did not yet grasp thesubtle differences of appearance between bahranas and the lower class taroks, but after coming ashore in the Utter East, he had quickly learned what a grave insultit was to ask a bahrana to do a taroks work.

"In his wisdom, the esteemed Jyotish senses that you nave need of a companionfamiliar with our customs," said Rishi. "He asks that I serve you in this capacity, if youwill have me."

"What a relief that would be," Atreus said, then gestured at his face. "As you cansee, it's hard enough for me to make a good impression."

Rishi's expression remained unreadable. "I do not see why that should be." He drew closer and spoke in a quieter tome. "But we do have need to discuss compensation."

"Have no fear," Atreus replied, jangling his heavy purse. "You'll be well paid."

Rishi's eyes lit up. "A blessing on you, sir!" He took Atreus's arm and startedforward as he spoke. "Shall we attend to the queen?"

The sea of Mar divided before the procession, shaking tassels at the ugly foreigner and softly murmuring about Ysdar.

Atreus leaned down to speak quietly to Rishi. "What is this Ysdar?"

"Pay no attention to those heathens!" Rishi lowered his voice and spoke in aconfidential tone. "The Mar of Edenvale are superstitious fools who would not know a devil of Ysdar if they saw one."

"All the same, I would like to know why they fear me," insisted Atreus.

"Very well." Rishi cast a meaningful glance at Atreus's purse. "But you must remember I am only doing as you command."

"Your truthfulness will be rewarded."

“Then as you wish," said Rishi. "According to legend, Ysdar is a devil fromanother world, an ancient evil unleashed many ages ago when the Lords of theFive Kingdoms weakened his prison."Rishi was speaking of the Bloodforge Wars, of course. No traveler to the Utter Eastcould escape hearing about the ancient carnage, for the wars were more a part ofthe region's history than the Ten Days of Eleint were part of Tethyr's. Shortly after conquering the Utter East, the Lords of the Five Kingdoms discovered thebloodforges, ancient war machines capable of manufacturing whole armies of magicgolems. Unrestrained by the expense of raising and maintaining armies, the lordswent mad with battle-lust, nearly destroying their lands and their peoples. To make matters worse, the lords did not realize that a horde of antediluvian horrors had lain trapped beneath the land so long they had vanished from memory. Every use ofthe Bloodforges weakened the mystical bonds of their prison, and the creaturessoon began to overrun the Five Kingdoms. Eventually, the lords realized their follyand struck a bargain not to use the terrible war machines but the damage hadalready been done. According to rumor the land had been filled with slime-smeared monsters and slithering horrors ever since. "Ysdar is one of the Forgotten Ones?"

Rishi nodded. "The King of the Forgotten Ones, if the myths are to be believed." He glanced away, then added more quietly, "It is said his face is sougly that anyone who looks upon it goes mad ... though this is in no way a reflection on your honored person.""Of course it is," Atreus replied, trying to keep the bitter-ness out of his voice. "Edenvale is no different than my ownhome. When people see ugly, they think evil."

The golden faces and black hair of the Mar began to giveway to the creamier visages of the Ffolk, who stood conversing quietly in smallgroups of three and four. In many ways, the Ffolk still resembled their conquering ancestors.

They were larger than the Mar and lighter of complexion,with pale eyes and square, western jaws. Though they had long ago exchangedthe heavy furs and dreary wool of the Moonshae Isles for the bright cotton andcolorful silks more suited to the Utter East's sweltering climate, they still preferred tight trousers and snug tunics to the billowingfashions of the Mar.

At the far end of the chamber stood a large enclosure surrounded by redvelvet drapes, through which the Royal warden was ushering a sporadic stream ofhaughty-looking supplicants, Ffolk and Mar alike. More often than not, the petitioners looked content as they departed, a sign that the queen consideredherself duty bound to serve her people as much as they served her. Atreus hopedher sense of fairness would extend to foreigners.

As they approached, the warden raised a hand and spoke quietly to Rishi andJyotish in Thorass, all the while frowning and stealing glances at Atreus. Jyotish said something about a hired elephant and a royal letter, while Rishi spoke in rapidMaran and plucked at his own tunic.

Finally, the stony-eyed warden gave a reluctant nod, and Rishi removed his silkshirt and held it up before Atreus. Though such behavior would have scandalizedany royal court in the west, no one in the Paradise Mahal paid the Mar's shirtless chest the slightest attention.

"If you would be so kind as to bow down," said Rishi. "No disrespect is meant, butQueen Rosalind is not well, and the Royal Warden fears your singular appearance might prove too much of a shock."

Atreus hesitated. "I understand, but covering my face is a sacrilege to my goddess."

"Which goddess?" Jyotish demanded, scowling.

Atreus steeled himself to answer. "Sune Firehair."

"The western Goddess of Beauty?" asked Jyotish.

When Atreus nodded, the chamberlain exchanged glances with the RoyalWarden. They broke into fits of snickering, and even Rishi had to bite his cheeksand turn away.Atreus felt the angry heat rising to his cheeks. "One need not be beautiful to worship beauty."“That is so," said the Royal Warden, for the first time speaking directly to Atreus. "It is also so that Queen Rosalind is not well. She cannot be shocked." Rishi opened his shirt again and held it up before Atreus. "This is the only way to seeQueen Rosalind. If it is important, Sune will understand."

"Perhaps you are right," Atreus said. He would be the first to admit that the goddess had been thinking of someone else when she admonished her worshipersto display their faces. "I would not want to cause Queen Rosalind any discomfort."

Atreus allowed Rishi to drape the shirt over his head, then arranged the neckhole so that he could see his feet and spare himself the embarrassment of stumbling. The cloth smelled of curry and cinnamon, which Mar bodies seemed toexude the way westerners did sweat.

The Royal Warden pulled a curtain aside, and Jyotish led the way through the gapinto the velvety enclosure. A soft droning drifted down from above. Rishi guidedAtreus up the stairs of a huge dais, grasping his hand and locking fingers in amanner that would have seemed far too intimate in Erlkazar. A cool breeze wafted down from a window somewhere above, and a bright rectangle of light began to blush through Atreus's makeshift hood. When they reached the top of the daisthey stopped and took their place at the end of a short line of supplicants.Through the neck hole of Rishi's shirt, Atreus saw half a dozen of the petitionersturn to gape at his makeshift hood and whisper hushed speculations about its purpose.

It took only a few moments before a woman said, "What is all this?" Though hervoice was reedy and frail, the murmuring supplicants fell instantly silent. "Why isthat man wearing a hood?"

Jyotish bowed contritely and started to apologize for the disruption, but he wasquickly interrupted by Rishi.

"Honored Queen of Brilliance, the man you inquire after has journeyed from theother side of the world to bask in your radiance." Rishi pulled Atreus toward thehead of the line. "He is a most unusual fellow, unfamiliar with our customs and therefore in need of my humble assistance."

Through his narrow view hole, Atreus saw that they were approaching a huge bed with mahogany corner posts and a silken canopy. Spread across the mattress was an embroidered spread depicting six golden cranes wadingthrough a reed pool. In the bed lay a small woman with honey-colored hair, ice-blue eyes, and a gaunt face as jaundiced as that of any goblin. The hands foldedacross her lap were almost skeletal, and her heavy crown, studded with rubies anddiamonds, rested on a satin pillow at her side.

The queen regarded Rishi coldly. "And you are?"

"Rishi Saubhari, Radiance, a bahrana ginger-prince from the Free Cities." Rishistopped two paces from the bed, where a handsome Ffolk man in a plain goldencrown stood flanked by six guards. "It was not so very long ago that I myself waspresented to Your Brilliance and the Royal Husband."

Still clasping Atreus's hand, he bowed first to the bedridden queen, then to the

man with the golden crown. Atreus was about to do likewise when Jyotish

scurried up and hurled himself to the floor.

"This is not my doing!" The chamberlain spoke so rapidly that Atreus could

barely decipher his thick accent. "I could not stop them!" Rishi turned toward Jyotish. "We were meant to wait?" He allowed his jaw to dropin a purely artificial expression of surprise. "The queen did not summon usforward? Apologies! Apologies many and profuse! Then I was much mistaken inthe impression that she wished to meet this man—this man who has journeyedmany months across land and sea all the way from the parched wastes of the farside of the world, and only so he might bask in the divine radiance of Edenvale's queen." Rishi tugged sharply on Atreus's hand. Taking the hint, Atreus bowed firstto the queen, then to her husband. "Please excuse the interruption," he said,feeling rather clownish with Rishi's shirt draped over his head. "It was not myintention to disturb your court."

Rishi finally released Atreus's hand. "Allow me to present Atreus Eleint, a nobleprince of Erlkazar—" "Loyal citizen!" Atreus corrected, horrified. In Erlkazar, such a gross misrepresentation could cost a man his tongue. "I am not even a lord."

Rishi continued without missing a beat. "Our honored traveler is a man of nosmall consequence, bearing a royal letter of introduction from the King of Erlkazarhimself."

Queen Rosalind shifted her gaze to Atreus, then spoke to him in Realmspeak asmodern as Rishi's. "Is this true?"

"I have it here, Your Majesty." Moving slowly so as not to alarm the queen'sbodyguards, Atreus reached into his cape and withdrew the parchment. "It is from His Royal Highness, King Korox of Erlkazar."

Atreus held out the letter, expecting someone to take it from him and break theseal for Queen Rosalind, as was the custom in western lands. The action drew an astonished groan from Jyotish and stony silence from the queen's retinue. Atreus tipped his head back and saw that he was pushing the letter toward the RoyalHusband.

"What are you doing?" Rishi hissed. "You must present the letter to Her Radiance, not her husband!"

"I beg your pardon." Atreus stepped to the edge of the queen's bed and offeredthe parchment to her. "In my own land, one does not approach the king—er, monarch— directly."

Rosalind's voice grew as icy as it was frail. "Yes, I am aware that customs differ in the west."

With great effort, she lifted her hand to accept the letter. Atreus placed theparchment in her shaking palm. She passed it to the Royal Husband, then let herarm fall to the bed before dragging her hand back to her lap. Atreus suddenly feltthankful to the warden for insisting that he cover his hideous face. The last thing he wanted was to scare the poor woman to death.

The Royal Husband broke King Korox's seal, then turned to Rosalind and read in a deep voice free of accent."Greetings and Good Tidings to Her Royal Majesty Rosalind, Most Radiant Queenof the Great Land of Edenvale.

"We hope that this missive finds you as well as we are in Erlkazar. Be it known

that the explorer bearing this letter, Atreus Eleint, is a man of no small ability and

a particular friend of ours. We ask that you grant him every courtesy due a man

of high station and help him along his way. We eagerly await our chance to repay

you in good kind.

"With high regards, His Royal Majesty Korox."

No sooner had the Royal Husband finished reading than Rosalind looked toAtreus. "Well, explorer, how can we help you and make your king happy with us?"

Atreus could not help smiling behind his makeshift hood, for it had not occurred to him that he was an explorer until he heard Korox's letter. "I am planning a journey into the Yehimal Mountains. Any assistance you can provide byway of a guide and porters would be greatly appreciated. I will, of course, pay allthe necessary expenses."

"Then how very fortunate it is that I am standing here," said Rishi. "My affairs inthe ginger business—"

"At the moment, Rishi, we are not interested in your ginger,” said Rosalind,cutting off the Mar. "But we will be in a better position to help our explorer if hecares to tell us what he is seeking. Unless, of course, it is a secret."

The queen fixed her eyes on Atreus's view hole and waited, leaving nodoubt in his mind that the help he received would come in direct proportion tohis candor.

"I am happy to name my goal," Atreus said. "I am searching for three peaks called the Sisters of Serenity." "My goodness, what a happy coincidence!" exclaimed Rishi "By a great goodfortune, it happens I passed there just last—" Scowling, the queen filled the air with an angry torrent of short syllables and

guttural clicks, chastising the Mar in his own, language.Rishi gasped at the rebuke. "Oh no, I would not want that, Most Radiant Queen! I am so sorry of the mistake and from this moment onward shall say nothing more. Itis not necessary to trouble the Royal Husband, as no harm was mean! or intendedor expected, and I will be forever silent until you again give me leave to speak. Iwas only trying to be helpful, as I have journeyed into those same mountains a hundred times and would happily spare your Brilliance the trouble of seeking aguide for our esteemed—"

Atreus heard the hiss of a dagger blade clearing its sheath. The Royal

Husband growled, "Rishi!"The little Mar fell instantly silent.Rosalind spoke to Atreus. “Tell me, explorer, are the Sisters of Serenity to be

your final destination?"Atreus could tell by the way she asked that the queen knew the answer. "No, Iam seeking the Valley of Langdarma."The answer drew a chorus of snickering from the Ffolk on the dais, though theMar remained silent.

The queen looked past Atreus and said in perfect Thorass, "That's enough! I willnot have an envoy from a foreign kingdom laughed at in my court!" The sniggeringdied away, then she spoke again to Atreus in modern Realmspeak. "I wonder, explorer, if you would be kind enough to take the shirt off your head."

Atreus hesitated, recalling how the simple effort of accepting a letter had caused the queen's hand to tremble. "I am happy to grant any request you makeof me, but I must warn you, the Mar claim I have the face of Ysdar."

"Most certainly!" added Jyotish. "It would be better for all if you did not look on it,Most Radiant." "There is no need for concern, Jyotish," said Rosalind. "If the explorer were truly asugly as Ysdar, would you be here to warn me off?" Jyotish nodded. "Of course, Most Radiant. Not even Ysdar could make me crazy enough to leave your service."Rosalind laughed, then gestured to Atreus. "You may remove the shirt, explorer. Forewarned is fair-armed. I doubt the shock will kill me." "As you wish."Atreus bowed his head and pulled the shirt off, returning it Rishi. He gave thequeen a moment to grow accustomed to the misshapen contours of his ungainly

skull, then raised his chin slowly, allowing her ample time to brace herself as eachdisfigured feature grew visible. When his head had risen high enough for him to observe her mouth, he saw that she had pasted a charitable smile on her lips.The smile wavered occasionally as the rest of his face came into view, but it nevervanished entirely, not even when she found herself struggling to gaze into bothof his cocked eyes at once.

"There," she said, though Atreus knew she was speaking more to herself than him. "That isn't so bad."

"Majesty, it's better not to make light of it," said Atreus. "I know what I look like,

and pretending otherwise only makes us both uncomfortable."

At once, a look of great weariness replaced Rosalind's smile. "I am so glad to

hear you say that, Atreus. It makes it easier to tell you what I must."

Atreus nodded, well-accustomed to seeing doors close because of his looks. "I

understand. If you can't help me, King Korox will take no offense."

"I can help you, explorer," said Rosalind. Atreus's head snapped up, and the

queen's eyes grew soft. "But I fear it is not the aid you seek." "I would be most grateful for whatever you can do." "I hope that will be true when Ihave said what I must." The queen turned away, looking out the window acrossthe rooftops of her city. In the distance, floating on a cloud of hazy green hills, stoodthesoaringwallofwhite-cappedpeaks toward which Atreus had been travelingfor more than four months.

"The Yehimal Mountains are a mysterious and vast place," said Queen

Rosalind. "There are many legends about what can be found in them.

Diamonds as large as mountains, rivers that run yellow with gold, valleys filled

with heavenly beauty . . . perhaps those legends are even true, but it does not

matter. Those who seek such places never return except as jabbering lunatics,

too crippled and mad to make sense of what they say. The Mar claim it is

because Ysdar still roams the wilderness, preying on those foolish enough to trek

where they don't belong. We Ffolk have another explanation. We know that these

places exist only in the minds of those who seek them."

Rosalind turned away from her window but could not quite bring herself to look

upon Atreus again. "You see, there is only one way I can help you, and that is by

sending you back to King Korox sane and sound."

"But Langdarma does exist," Atreus insisted, growing concerned. "I have it on

the... highest authority."

The queen began to look impatient. "What authority could possibly be higher

than my own?"

"Only that of a goddess ... my goddess, Sune Firehair." Atreus's reply drew agentle murmur of laughter, and this time Rosalind made no attempt to silence themirth. "Sune herself commanded me to seek the valley. I am to return with a vialof—"

"Your goddess is not worshiped in the Yehimals," Rosalind said. "She is barely remembered here in Edenvale, and so it is impossible that she knows of Langdarma."

"Then who gave me this?"

Atreus reached into his cape and withdrew the map he had received in Duhlnarim, so worn from folding and unfolding that it was beginning to tearalong the creases. He unfolded the map and laid it on the queen's lap.

"As you can see, it is a map to Langdarma," he said. "All I ask is a guide to helpme find the Sisters of Serenity, or, failing that, the best instructions you can offer."

Rosalind studied the map, her eyes silently scanning the names of the mountains and valleys. After a few moments, she looked up and sadly shook herhead.

"I am sorry. Someone has deceived you. I do not recognize any of the names

on this map. The Sisters of Serenity are as much a myth as Langdarma itself."

"Begging your pardon, Most Radiant Majesty, but perhaps that is not so,"interrupted Rishi. He turned to Atreus. "As I have said, I visited these Sisters onlylast year in the company of a—"

"Silence!" commanded the Royal Husband. "Were you not warned?" The Royal Husband glanced at Rosalind. When she nodded, he signaled to twoguards, who snatched up the Mar as quick as a snake and carried him to thewindows beyond the queen's bed. "Please, please—no!" Rishi flailed about madly, kicking and writhing like a cobrain the claws of a mongoose. "Have mercy, good sirs! Do you think I am a bird? Icannot fly!"Without replying, the guards hefted Rishi through the window and steppedback. The Mar's loud scream quickly faded, then ceased altogether. Atreus foundhimself staring slack-jawed out the window, wondering at the harshness of the queen's punishment. The Royal Husband grimaced at the sight of Atreus's gaping mouth. "There's a roof outside that slants down to the moat," he explained. “The Mar will be fine." "Which is more than we shall be able to say for you, explorer, if you insist onthis search," said Rosalind. "Langdarma is real," Atreus replied. "I myself saw Sune's face in the Pool ofDreams, but it is clear you cannot help me. If you will return my map, I will trouble you no more."He extended a hand, but Rosalind jerked the map away."I fear I cannot permit what you wish," she said. "What would King Korox say if Iallowed any harm to come to a 'particular friend' of his?"

An angry knot formed in Atreus's stomach, but he forced himself to answer in aneven voice. "As I have said, he will take no offense if you can't help me."

"But as I have said, I can help you." Rosalind nodded and her guards seized Atreus by the arms. She turned to the Royal Husband and passed him the map."Dispose of that and have an honor guard take this 'explorer' back to the DoeganShores. They are to place him on the next ship to the Sword Coast."

"A wise decision." The Royal Husband wadded Sune's map into a ball andpitched it out the window. "The last thing we need is this Atreus Eleint sneaking around the Yehimals. The Mar will think he is Ysdar himself!"